Location: Pacific Quay & SECC, Glasgow
The hotel building is located to the north of the site fronting onto Pacific Drive. The main hotel entrance will be located at the north west corner of the building, in front of which will be a pedestrian area comprising high quality paving materials linking to Pacific Drive and the pedestrian boulevard
The car par parking area (264 spaces) will be provided to the west and south of the hotel building, with the vehicular access to the south of the site.
Landscaping will be provided within the car parking area and along the boundaries of the site to ‘break up’ the car parking area. The hotel servicing area will be located to the east of the hotel building and will be screened from view from Pacific Drive through landscaping.
The project will comprise a 120 bedroom hotel and a range of ancillary health and fitness, food & drink and conferencing facilities.
The development, based on DeVere’s brief, has been designed by Curious Architects and has been integrated with the wider Pacific Quay masterplan.